Thursday 25 March 2010

Editing Process: Part 6

Today we focused on making the film flow and work smoothly. Unfortunatley we had not forseen how long the overall event The Cut 2010 meeting werre going to take and Heidi in particular being the PR leader got really stressed. I think it was because we were so near the end of our film we just wanted to get on and finish it making it as great as possible! We finally sat down together at 2pm with solid editing i had bought my lap top into uni so we could muti task on editing the film and finalising the  press release. This was a really successful way of working as we could do sections of the project at the same time bouncing ideas off each other.  Heidi has very strong strengths in the final Cut Program as she has used it before so it was far quicker for her to sit at the computer clicking and doing it and i could help direct and evaluate every other minute.

Whilest we were finalising our film we got a technician to show us how to take High Quality Tiff screen grabs so that i could move on to the Look book we wish to create. I have strengths in photoshop and during the course of creating this film it was so clear we had enough stunning still imagery to create something and we both felt it would be a shame not to make something out of it for a press goodie bag. The tecncian went through the following process of (file...export... quick time conversion...curser on timeline on clip... format...still image...tiff) Sadley the white dress images came out pixelated from the film and we had many more images of the black outfits. Heidi and i made tohe desision to make a look book for what we would call, Marko Mitanovski's 'Black collection' We grabbed come wonderful scenic clips of the beech and also the roses which will be nice to reiterate the film. Creating this  Look Book became extremely fun and rounds off the project nicely. We were careful in the decision to produce one making sure it did not pull away from the important element of the project, our film. During the day and later this evening time flew by as i played with the imagery using black and white, fading lighting, high contrast and blurring our images so in the end i had quite a range to use not only for the look book but also Dvd cover and finalised press release tweeks like removing blades of grass and lightening shadows.

Through the time we spent editing Heidi managed to smooth the flow even further shortening scenes we were advised to and ones we both felt were dragging chopped unnecessary chunks off also.We also thought cross fading from selected clips and layering images over to change scenery polished the film further. We kept bugging our tutors where possible to get constant constructive criticism, we found that where we spent long days at a time staring at the computer screen and all the footage we had the impact was not a strong as when we had first watched it we needed fresh eyes where possible. It was easy to spot something thats amazing that worked, but to correct and find out what is wrong with an 'ok' bit is far harder.

The sequence in the film was changed with swapping small sections near the end but also importing old clips we had discarded last week. Music was the next hurdle to go. We had as blogged brained stormed through a large amount of music finalising on two tracks, one by Muse the other Linkin Park. Both pieces gave the film completely different qualities and changed the viewer perception of the characters emotions in different ways.  We played the film with both tracks through it several times playing it to tutor Dennis. Denis mentioned that it is a personal thing at the end of the day and that we ultimately have to decide. It was decided Muse was the song most fitted to our brief but also allowed us to experiment with natural sounds which worked well. Tomorrow we will get Geraldines opinion on the film and song choice as she is a film expert and can help us with fresh critical eyes get to where we want to be.

We like other groups have found it a struggle to create the project using just university time in the computer rooms, its a shame we could not put our money together and get the final cut program however we didn't  have £800 readily available so cramming into the working day was how it would be.

Below shows what we hope to be the final draft of our film:

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