Thursday 25 March 2010

Finalising the Music With Our Film

After playing our film with both tracks to friends and tutor Dennis, we found our initial reaction was correct in that both track could work really well in the final film, but one had something more than the other.


This is the Muse 'Exogenesis: Symphony Part Three Redemption' track with our film. This track we felt was beautiful and gave the film a feminine soft melancholic film. It was perfect for letting natural sounds of wind waves and talking layered into the film with out having to play with the volume to much. It is a naturally calm and open song with areas of quiet slowley layering and building to a peak, then descending and dwindling to a finish. It has a section of singing in the middle with main lyrics 

Lets start this over again
Why can't we start it over again?
Just let us start it over again

And we'll be good
This time we'll get it, get it right
It's our last chance to forgive ourselves

These are really meaningful powerful lyrics at the peak of the song and we think they sound melancholic themselves applying to many things relationships, the world and its climate etc both things that would relate to the film. 


This is the Linkin Park 'Session' track with our film

There is something about this track that works so well with the film transforming it into a completely different one just through the music. We learnt how much an affect music can have and how powerful it is at translating a mood and atmosphere. This track has no lyrics but builds up with a drum beat and electronic sounds( not your stereotypical melancholic track) the smooth steady introduction of a pianos tune brings a ghostly calm to the track that feels a little sorrowful and works in that way. The layering of other instruments makes the film more angry and edgy. I can imagine this film having more of an impact on big screen with our visuals. The track itself stops its beautiful piano melody and self destructs with digital, scratchy sounds. We can include this or fade it out some thing to confirm.

Dennis felt this is a case of personal preference. Showing Geraldine may help our decision.

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